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Kasis Bhasma

Step into the world of holistic health with our renowned Kasis Bhasma, a premium product proudly crafted in Karnal, Haryana. Derived meticulously from the essence of Green Vitriol - Ferrous Sulphate, this Ayurvedic marvel is tailored to bestow numerous health benefits.

Key Highlights of Kasis Bhasma:

  • Robust Formulation: Masterfully crafted from Green Vitriol, Kasis Bhasma stands out as a unique Ayurvedic blend designed for superior health results.
  • Anemia Alleviation: Notably effective in combating anemia, it promises enhanced vitality and well-being.
  • Splendid for Spleen: It acts as a potent remedy for spleen-related issues, ensuring optimal organ functionality.
  • Holistic Healing: Apart from its primary benefits, Kasis Bhasma is also revered for addressing eye conditions, leucoderma, pruritis, and dysurea, making it a versatile healer.
  • Boosted Immunity and Strength: Regular intake can lead to a fortified immune system, preparing your body against numerous ailments.


  • • It's essential to follow the recommended dosage of 250 mg once or twice daily, preferably before or after meals. Always consume under the guidance of a certified Ayurvedic practitioner. For enhanced results, traditionally, it's administered with Psoralea seeds, Triphala decoction, and honey.

Delve into the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda with Kasis Bhasma, your partner for a healthier and more radiant life. Ensure to always consult with an expert for the correct dosage and combinations.