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Ayurvedic Liver Syrup

Embark on a journey towards optimal liver health with our Ayurvedic Liver Syrup - a potent blend of time-tested herbs. Renowned as an exceptional liver tonic, it not only addresses liver issues but also promotes enhanced metabolism and serves as a gentle laxative. For those concerned about sugar intake, we proudly offer a sugar-free variant, making it a choice remedy for fatty liver and cirrhosis.


  • • Administer one to two teaspoonfuls thrice daily post meals with water or as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Safety Information:

  • Side Effects: Our commitment to purity ensures no adverse or toxic effects have been identified with the recommended dosage of this syrup.
  • Storage Instructions: Store away from direct sunlight, excessive moisture, and out of reach of children for optimal shelf life.


Bharingraj (Eclipta alba) 500mg
Surpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) 500mg
Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) 300mg
Nagarmoth (Cyperus rotundus) 250mg
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) 250mg
Viavidanga (Embelia ribes) 200mg
Kalmegh (Andrographis peniculata) 200mg
Pitpapara (Fumeria indica) 200mg
Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare) 100mg
Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) 100mg
Sowa (Anethum sowa) 100mg

Let nature's wisdom usher you into a realm of well-being. Choose Ayurvedic Liver Syrup for liver health that truly lasts.