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Shankh Bhasma

Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with our premium Shankh Bhasma, proudly crafted in Karnal, Haryana. Derived from the essence of Conch shell, this Ayurvedic masterpiece is dedicated to enhancing your health in multiple dimensions.

Key Benefits of Shankh Bhasma:

  • Natural Gastric Relief: A trusted remedy against gastritis, abdominal discomfort, dyspepsia, and more, ensuring a calm and soothed digestive system.
  • Skin and Complexion Enhancer: Experience an improved skin tone and a radiant complexion, reflecting your inner health.
  • A Powerhouse of Calcium: Cater to your body's calcium needs naturally, making it an ideal choice for growing children, teenagers, and post-menopausal women.
  • Vitamin C Enriched: Not just calcium, Shankh Bhasma also provides Vitamin C, crucial for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and cell membranes.
  • Optimal Absorption: Designed for easy assimilation, it efficiently meets the calcium demands of your body.
  • No Side Effects: Say goodbye to concerns like constipation and stomach acidity, as Shankh Bhasma ensures calcium intake without such repercussions.

Choose Shankh Bhasma for a holistic approach to health, providing your body with natural calcium and a relief from gastric issues. Always consult an Ayurvedic expert for appropriate dosage and use.